Simply Joy

Simply Joy
love with no boundaries.

Monday 30 April 2012

Soo we are through security and now just waiting for our plane to leave! Just ate a big lunlunch because I'm not sure how good the airplane food will be. I'm gettin super excited to leave and preparing for the 9 hour flight to London!!!!

Off to Africa

I am finally packed! Yes I leave tomorrow, and yes I have left it to the last minute, but I am just happy it is now finished! I will be trying to update my blog as much as possible when I am away, but we are still unsure about how much internet access we will have. My team also has a blog, so there may be times that there is only time to update that one. So if ya want you can check both! I really appreciate everyone who has been praying for us as we prepare for this amazing experience. I truly believe that God has his hand on this trip and I want to go and be a vessel for His work. I will miss you all xoxo

Here is the team blog:

Oh and a quick picture of my room after I unloaded everything from University......thanks to Soph for helping me get everything under control, you are amazing!!

Friday 27 April 2012

just because

I am becoming a hat person. I have been aspiring to be a hat person for a bit now and have been super inspired by my friend. I am a member of this fantastic hat site and have accumulated a few more hats. I am on the right path to becoming an official hat person! A picture of me and my new hat!! woohoo

Tuesday 24 April 2012

bubble tea

So just to let you all know, I now have two hearts!! You may be thinking that I have gone completely crazy, but literally I have two hearts now! I went to this place called Bubble World yesterday with friends and that is where I consumed the chicken heart. I didn't want to eat it at first, but me being slightly competitive, quickly changed my mind when I was told to try it. Oh and I also ate pig ear…..very very strange. But I can say now that I will probably never eat chicken heart or pig ear again. I mean I'm happy I tried it, but trying it once is enough. But I do love the bubble tea there! Both Alex and I couldn't decide what one to try soo we came up the amazing idea of getting two different ones and sharing them...just a brilliant idea! 

Friday 20 April 2012

why not

I was driving yesterday (on a road where it was just me), the windows were down, my hair was blowing, i was singing to country music and it was just the perfect day. I think what made is so perfect was the fact that i absolutely love the wind!! so i thought why no snap a fews pictures of my hair blowing in the wind!

 The beautiful day slowly shifted, as it often does in BC, and before i knew it, it was pouring rain!! I was driving with my beautiful friend jackie and we saw a tire swing and thought "why not swing on it!!" we immediately pulled over from driving and ran through the muddy field to the tire swing! We got soaked, but it was worth every second of it!

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Today was a wonderful day! I went home last night because just needed a night at home. I slept in, which was beautiful in itself, and then I was reminded how amazing it is to eat breakfast out of glass dishes. I have felt like a 5 year old the past year by eating my morning cereal out of a styrofoam dish, but being at home it was wonderful to feel like a grown up by eating from the nice glass dishes!
This after noon was great too! My beautiful friend Jackie treated my to some Starbucks and then we went for sushi! She claims that she does not like sushi..but she has had sushi twice in the last week!!! I am very happy that I am completely converting her to a sushi eater! 

Sunday 15 April 2012


I have this friend. And I think it is about time that I mention her on this blog simply because she brings joy to my life. It’s hard to describe a person like her in words. She is the sweetest person you will ever meet, and I promise you that. She is completely selfless and makes everyone around her feel as if they had known her for years; she just gives so much love. She makes me smile, makes me laugh and I just always feel happy when I am around her. Plus she is one of the best listeners I know, and let me tell you, listening is a huge skill, especially when it is someone like me talking. She is just incredible! So Libby thanks for being my friend! I love you with all my heart! 

Yesterday we made amazing fruit salads together for dinner!! Yum! 

Thursday 12 April 2012

lesson learnt

sometimes you learn stuff from your parents, sometimes you learn stuff from friends, sometimes you learn stuff from teachers.....and sometimes you learn stuff on your own at 4:05am..

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Yesterday was beautiful. Its that time of year when happiness, joy, laughter and smiles are just oozing from everywhere! Care's birthday was yesterday so before we went out for dessert we decided to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and go for a walk. And if you know Care you know that every time we go for a walk the camera is somewhere close by!

Monday 9 April 2012


I just realized that I will never be too hold for an Easter Egg Hunt! I mean I will always love chocolate and I will always love competition, so when you combine the two together you get an Easter Egg Hunt! I was so happy as this year I spent Easter with my family, cousins, as well as 3 of my amazing special friends!
(Tana was in Guatemala, but we still needed a picture of the sisters!)

Friday 6 April 2012

I just got home for the weekend and I am so happy! I have mega grown to appreciate my family and just the feeling of being in a home. Even though I am doing homework I am just happy to be home! Plus I missed my puppies very much!

Thursday 5 April 2012

I am not goona lie but i am not in the greatest mood in the world. It has been a bit of a rough day, but this brought a smile to my face, and made me laugh. Care thanks to you I found a little joy in my day!

In Him

It is not in my own strength that I stand here in this broken world able to find joy. It is not my miraculous grace that gives me the ability love people. It is not in my strength that I am able to forgive when it hurts. But it is He. He who walked on water, He who healed the blind, He who drove out demons, He who loved the world and He who saved my soul. For it is God who in my darkest of days gives me a reason to smile, a reason to laugh and a reason to love.